Admission criteria & process

Admission procedure
Thank you for your interest in Awsaj Academy. We seek to ensure that all students who are admitted to the school will thrive in an environment of high academic expectations, will be able to benefit from a well-rounded education provided, and flourish socially and behaviorally within the school community.
Completion of Awsaj Online Admission Form
The first step toward being considered for enrollment at Awsaj Academy involves filling out our online admission form with all the required documentations. Please click on the online admission link to access our online application form. Upon completion of the online admission form you will receive an e-mail confirming that your account has been created. It includes as well the Login and password information in addition to a link that refers you to the parents login page.
No admission decision can be made prior to the completion of the online application process.
Submission of supplementary application requirements
The following application requirements must be scanned and submitted within the online application form in order for your child(ren) to be considered:
- Recent passport-sized photograph of the student
- End of year school reports for the previous two years and reports for the current year (for KG applicants, please provide the most recent report from Nursery or Pre-K only)
- Applicant’s passport, QID and Birth Certificate
- Father’s passport and QID
- Mother’s passport and QID
- Immunization card
- Medical Form
- Formal medical diagnosis of learning difficulties
Non Refundable Application Fee
A total of QR 500 non-refundable application & evaluation fee is due after the application is submitted online. You will be receiving an electronic invoice as pdf file. You can download it from your personal Applicant Status page that can be accessed by logging into online admission portal.
Checklist Items Pending parent completion
In case any of the application requirements mentioned above were not appropriately fulfilled, you will be receiving a note via e-mail with the list of checklist items that are still pending your completion. You will be asked to review and complete these items on your Application status login page of the online admission portal. Once you have completed uploading the missing items, we can move to the next stage in the admissions process.
Testing Schedule
At this stage, parent should understand that this is an application for admission and filling the online admission form does not guarantee enrollment. The Admissions Office reviews the completed online applications and determines whether the applicant may be tested for admission. The Admissions Office then notifies parents with the decision and to schedule testing dates for applicants proceeding to the next stage of the process. Parents will be automatically notified by an e-mail and the same notification will appear on the parent dashboard.
Previous Learning Support Assessment
At the point of admission to Awsaj Academy, it is made clear to all prospective students and their parents that they are expected to cooperate with the teaching and support staff and to promote the greater good of the whole community. It is our goal to establish a full partnership with parents in order to promote the interests of the student body. This partnership must be based upon mutual honesty and respect. We have the right to expect full submission/disclosure of any learning support assessment or identified need, or medical condition or disability, which could require specialist treatment, support or equipment, and any behavioral or disciplinary issues known to parents at the point of application, and thereafter. This information is essential to assist with any interview or other admissions screening processes.
On site Admissions screening and entry assessments procedures
Students who apply to the school must meet the school’s academic entrance requirements. At each grade level, students will be observed and assessed in classroom abilities to determine the level of academic need. Typical Awsaj students fall two to four years below their peers but must be able to function in a classroom with nine other students and one teacher.
At all levels, we reserve the right to make direct contact with any previous school or educational establishment and to request a confidential report. This will ask for comment on academic progress to date, involvement in the broader life of the school, and general behavioral standards.
Collectively, all this information allows Awsaj Academy to be reasonably confident that it is the right school academically for each student and to tailor our academic courses to meet the needs of students. The school wants to be able to educate and develop each student to the best of his or her ability, and to ensure that any prospective student will be academically and socially at ease with his or her peers. In this way there is every chance that all students will emerge at the end of their time at Awsaj Academy having enjoyed the school and confident in their next steps.
Entrance exam result
Upon finalizing the results, an e-mail will be sent confirming if your child has been accepted, waiting listed or not accepted. If accepted parents are asked to complete the following registration via the parent dashboard
A non-refundable fee of QR3000 is to be paid electronically to reserve the seat for the child. Electronic invoice will be sent. Parents are required to read and agree to all the terms and conditions of the e-enrollment package by clicking on I agree.
Enrollment fee and other documentation must be received within 5 working days of the notice of acceptance in order to preserve the seat.
Admission Policy & Selection Criteria
** New or wait pool students will be admitted according to seat availability and QF schools priory policy:
- Qatari students only.
- Availability of places at relevant grade level.
Parents communication channel
Awsaj Academy will be communicating with parents through the online system, and the Office of Admissions and Registration in Awsaj Academy is ready to answer all your inquiries through the online system. We recommend you to keep checking your account on the site to ensure that you are aware of all of our messages and responses and to keep following your child application stages.
Withdrawal Process for QF Schools
To begin withdrawing a student from a QF school, the parent/guardian is requested to submit an online withdrawal form (click here). The school will process the request within three working days.
Please note that the parent/guardian and the student will be invited to attend an exit interview meeting with the school director to discuss the withdrawal. The parent/guardian and the student are required to attend this meeting to complete the formal process.