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You are here: Awsaj Homepage Highlights News Rifd Parent Training Program 2023-2024 Season 1

Rifd Parent Training Program 2023-2024 Season 1

Rifd Parent Training Program is back for season 1, 2023-2024! We are honored to invite you to register for the “Rifd” program organized by Awsaj Academy, a member of Qatar Foundation. The program is designed for parents with children facing academic challenges. The academy offers a variety of training courses for the first season of 2023-2024. All the courses are free of charge; some will be offered face-to-face, and others will be offered online.

  • Date: 15 October – 15 November 2023
  • Time: 9am – 9pm
  • Organized by: Awsaj Academy

Register by clicking here , noting that seats are limited.

The courses offered are:

15 October

Understand How Teens Think to Know How to Deal with Them

Effective Parenting Tips & Techniques – Empowering Parents

Behavioral challenges and how to manage and deal with them

17 October

Neuroscience Solutions for Academic Success

18 October

Recognizing sensory processing disorder in children

Speech-Language Developmental Milestone

21 October

7 Steps to Instructional Control

The Proper Approach to Instructing Students with Learning Disabilities in Story Comprehension Strategies

22 October

Effective cooperation between the family and the special education teacher towards their children

23 October


24 October

Language stimulation strategies for children with autism

25 October

Language strategies modeling

30 October

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Causes, treatment and the role of the family in treating it

31 October

Bilingual Families: Supporting your child’s development in two languages

1 November

Play’s Impact on Child Character and Late-Blooming Language Development

Hands on training (parents and children)

People with special needs: Between Acceptance and Family Upbringing Patterns

6 November

Techniques and strategies to help parents in coaching their child to speech

8 November

Language strategies (communicative temptation)

15 November

Hands on training (parents and children)