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You are here: Awsaj Homepage Highlights Events Rifd: Neuroscience Solutions for Academic Success

Rifd: Neuroscience Solutions for Academic Success

Course Title: Neuroscience Solutions For Academic Success
Instructor: Dr. Jamil Babli
Course Delivery: Online
Language: Arabic & English

Imagine this: anxiety about upcoming exams and test performance, difficulty focusing in class, sleepless nights, and long waits at Starbucks for a cup of coffee several times a day .  For many people, this imaginary scenario would provoke anxiety and stress. For school  students, this is their everyday reality as they struggle to maintain scholastic performance. Most of the students today face tremendous pressure to academically succeed and achieve high test performance to obtain their degrees.
This course will try to achieve the following objectives: 
1. Understand the normal  process for attention ,memory and reading. 
2. Using Technology  for diagnosis of attention ,memory and reading. 
3. Cases from neurofeedback training for ,attention, memory and reading

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/JDARp9t18ggspdDv6
  • 17 Oct 2023
  • 20:00 - 21:00
  • Awsaj Academy, Qatar